Wednesday, July 29, 2009


In jackal society the social unit is that of a monogamous pair which defends its territory from other pairs. These territories are defended by vigorously chasing intruding rivals and marking landmarks around the territory with urine and feces. The territory may be large enough to hold some young adults who stay with their parents until they establish their own territory. Jackals may occasionally assemble in small packs, for example to scavenge a carcass, but normally hunt alone or as a pair.
This animal, a Black-backed jackal is photographed in Etosha National park, Namibia. More specifically in Okaukuejo Rest Camp at the waterhole. December 2008. Capture time: 18:10.
Photo is a crop and a resized version of the original file.
Developed in Lightroom 2.0 and Photoshop CS4.

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